Brightening your life: A recap of Former Abbot President Ven Guo Dong's Dharma Talk 心得分享On 12 Aug 2023, Dharma Drum Singapore was enlivened by a Dharma talk given by Former Abbot President Venerable Guo Dong... 查看更多 about Brightening your life: A recap of Former Abbot President Ven Guo Dong's Dharma Talk
What kind of life do you want to live? 心得分享This was the question posed to me during a spiritual workshop at Dharma Drum Singapore last Sunday. 查看更多 about What kind of life do you want to live?
你以为的就是你以为的吗?法青自觉工作坊来解答! 心得分享刚看到自觉工作坊的报名讯息出来,注意到这个活动是有年龄限制的,想想自己也到不惑之龄(超过40岁)... 查看更多 about 你以为的就是你以为的吗?法青自觉工作坊来解答!
法青义工体验ing 心得分享我一直以来对于当义工有一种错误的观念与不理解。我常常在想,义工们都是很伟大的,因为他们牺牲了参与法会诵经或是听闻法师开示的机会,在道场周围忙前忙后。 查看更多 about 法青义工体验ing
退居方丈莅新加坡关怀信众 勉励众缘和合好缘亮 活动报导法鼓山退居方丈果东法师于8月9日,由当地辅导法师常炬法师、法鼓山青年院监院常桢法师陪同,在新加坡护法会道场,关怀义 查看更多 about 退居方丈莅新加坡关怀信众 勉励众缘和合好缘亮